Understanding Knee Injuries and How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

Innocent and Injured? We’ll Fight On Your Behalf

knee injury

Kneeling, jumping, walking, or even just standing – all it takes is one wrong movement to cause a knee injury that can have major implications for your life. If you've been injured because of someone else's negligence, understanding your rights and the potential role of a personal injury lawyer in your situation is crucial.

Recognizing Knee Injury Symptoms and Seeking Medical Attention

If you've injured your knee, you may experience a range of symptoms that indicate the severity of the injury. Pain, swelling, and instability are the most common signs, along with difficulty bearing weight and an audible pop at the time of injury.

Important signs to watch for:

  • Severe pain and tenderness
  • Significant swelling or stiffness
  • Visible bruising or discoloration
  • Difficulty bending or straightening the knee

Why is timely medical care critical? Seeking immediate medical attention not only provides you with a diagnosis and treatment plan but also creates medical records that serve as crucial evidence should you decide to pursue a personal injury claim.

Knee injury symptoms

Types of Knee Injuries from Accidents

There is a wide variety of knee injuries that can stem from accidents. Some of the most common include:

  • ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injuries
  • MCL (medial collateral ligament) injuries
  • Meniscus tears
  • Patellar fractures
  • Knee dislocations

Each of these injuries can have varying degrees of severity and may require different types of treatment ranging from physical therapy to surgery.

knee dislocation

The Impact of Car Accidents on Knee Injuries

When involved in an automobile accident, the sudden impact and twisting motions can severely damage the knee. Dashboard knee injuries, where the knee slams against the dashboard, are common in head-on collisions.

Victims of car accidents may suffer from:

  • Ligamentous injuries from the sheer force

  • Meniscal tears due to sudden twisting

  • Bone fractures from direct impacts

Moreover, knee injuries from car crashes often require extensive rehabilitation, and in some cases, victims may not fully regain their previous mobility. Understanding the consequences of auto accidents on the knee is crucial if you are considering a personal injury claim.

Causes of Knee Injuries in Different Settings

Knee injuries can occur in a variety of situations outside of vehicle-related accidents. They may happen due to:

Regardless of the setting, if another party's negligence contributed to your injury, a personal injury lawyer can help you evaluate your situation and determine the best course of action.

How to Make a Personal Injury Claim for a Knee Injury

Filing a personal injury claim for a knee injury involves several steps:

  1. Report the injury to the necessary parties (e.g., your employer if it’s a work-related injury).

  2. Seek medical attention and follow through with recommended treatments.

  3. Document your injuries, treatments, and any related expenses.

  4. If applicable, file a police report (in the case of a traffic accident).

  5. Consult with a personal injury lawyer to assess the validity of your claim.

Keeping a detailed record of all your expenses and interactions related to the injury is essential. The documentation you compile is what your lawyer will need to build a strong case.

Seeking Compensation: Understanding Personal Injury Settlements

If you've sustained a knee injury due to someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Medical bills including surgery, medication, and physical therapy

  • Lost wages or future earning capacity

  • Pain and suffering

  • Long-term disability or disfigurement

A settlement can significantly aid in covering these costs and a personal injury settlement can often be reached without going to trial, ensuring you receive compensation more quickly and with less stress.

The Role of a Personal Injury Lawyer in Knee Injury Cases

When navigating the aftermath of a knee injury, a personal injury lawyer can be indispensable. They can help by:

  • Providing expert advice on legal options and statutes of limitations

  • Negotiating with insurance companies

  • Gathering evidence to support your claim

  • Representing you in court, if necessary

Choosing the right attorney is a critical step. Finding the best personal injury attorney who is experienced in knee injury cases can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

how personal injury lawyer can help with knee injury

FAQ Section: Understanding Knee Injuries and Legal Recourse

If you have a specific question, contact us at (470) 575-6130.

  • If your injury resulted from an accident where another party may be at fault and has led to medical treatment, lost wages, or significant pain and suffering, you should consult a personal injury lawyer to evaluate your case.

  • If your knee injury occurred while performing work-related tasks, you might be eligible for workers' compensation. However, if a third party's negligence caused the injury, you could also have grounds for a personal injury claim.

  • Yes, even if you were partially at fault for your knee injury, you might still recover compensation. A personal injury lawyer can explain how comparative fault laws may apply in your case.

  • Compensation can cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and in some cases, punitive damages. A lawyer can provide a more detailed explanation based on your circumstances.

  • Many personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. Costs can vary, so it's best to discuss fees directly with your attorney.


Understanding the gravity of knee injuries and the potential for compensation through a personal injury claim is the first step to recovery. Enlisting the aid of an experienced personal injury attorney can provide victims with the support needed to navigate the complexities of their case.

This guide serves as an informative introduction to knee injuries and the associated legal considerations. If you have sustained a knee injury through no fault of your own, consider reaching out to a skilled personal injury lawyer who can guide you on the path to compensation and healing.

Knee Injury

Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways on Knee Injuries and Personal Injury Claims

Symptoms: Pain, swelling, instability, difficulty bearing weight

Common Injuries: ACL/MCL injuries, meniscus tears, fractures, dislocations

Car Accident Impact: Ligamentous injuries, meniscal tears, fractures

Other Causes: Workplace accidents, sports, slips/falls, motorcycle/bicycle crashes

Claim Steps: Report, seek medical care, document, police report, lawyer consultation

Compensation: Covers medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, disability

Lawyer's Role: Legal advice, negotiation, evidence gathering, court representation

Contact The Wilson PC


For extra help with knee injuries, reach out to “The Wilson PC” at Contact Us or call 470-327-8299. We’re always ready to help you out.

What To Do After Having A Knee Injury?