Injured In A Car Crash?

Car crash injuries

Car accidents are an incredibly traumatic experience, for the unlucky ones they result in injuries that can have long-lasting impacts. We have put together this guide to help you understand the most common types of car crash injuries.

In this article, we will cover:

  • Head and neck injuries, including whiplash, concussion, and brain injury

  • Upper body injuries like broken collarbones or fractured ribs

Car Crash Injuries To The Head and Neck

The head and neck are especially vulnerable during a car crash. Here are some of the most common types of head and neck injuries:

A. Whiplash

Whiplash is a sudden, forceful movement of the neck that causes it to snap back and forth, some of the symptoms are:

  • Neck pain and stiffness

  • Headaches

  • Dizziness

  • Fatigue

B. Concussion

Concussions are injuries to the brain that result from a blow to the head. Symptoms of a concussion may include:

  • Headaches

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Dizziness

  • Confusion

C. Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are more severe than concussions. TBIs can have long-lasting effects and may include:

  • Coma

  • Memory loss

  • Personality changes

  • Cognitive impairment

D. Skull Fractures

A skull fracture is a break in the bone of the skull. Symptoms include:

  • Headaches

  • Vision problems

  • Nausea and vomiting

E. Facial Lacerations

Facial lacerations are cuts or tears in the skin or flesh of the face. They can be mild or severe and may result in scarring.

If you are injured in a car accident, contact The Wilson PC

Car Crash Injuries To The Upper Body

The upper body is also at risk of injury during a car accident, especially when the seatbelt fails. Here are some of the most common types of upper body injuries:

A. Broken Collarbone

The collarbone is vulnerable to fracture during a car accident usually due to the seatbelt. Symptoms of a broken collarbone may include:

  • Pain and tenderness

  • Swelling

  • Limited mobility in the arm and shoulder

B. Fractured Ribs

Ribs can also be easily fractured during a car accident as well because of the force of accidents. Symptoms include:

  • Pain when breathing

  • Pain and tenderness around the chest area

  • Swelling

C. Dislocated Shoulder

The shoulder joint:

  • Intense pain

  • Limited mobility in the arm and shoulder

  • Swelling and bruising

D. Internal Organ Damage

Forceful impact during a car accident can result in damage to internal organs:

  • Pain and tenderness in the affected area

  • Swelling

  • Nausea and vomiting

E. Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries can include sprains, strains, and contusions that produce symptoms like:

  • Pain and tenderness around the affected area

  • Swelling

  • Bruising

Car Crash Injuries To The Lower Body

The lower body is also vulnerable during a car accident, especially in high-speed collisions or rollover accidents. Here are some of the most common lower-body injuries:

A. Pelvic Fractures

The pelvis is a sturdy bone and can be difficult to fracture, but high-impact accidents can cause serious damage to the pelvic region. Symptoms of pelvic fractures may include:

  • Pain and tenderness around the pelvis and hip

  • Swelling

  • Limited mobility

B. Knee Injuries

The knee joint can be easily injured during a car accident, and the severity of the injury depends on the force of the impact. Here are some examples of knee injuries:

  • ACL/MCL Tears: Ligaments in the knee can become torn during a car accident, resulting in pain, swelling, and limited mobility.

  • Dislocation: The knee joint can become dislocated, which can cause intense pain and swelling.

  • Lower Leg Breaks and Fractures: The tibia and fibula bones in the lower leg can be broken or fractured during a car accident.

C. Spinal Cord Injuries

Injuries to the spinal cord are among the most serious injuries that can occur during a car accident. Here are some common spinal cord injuries:

  • Disc Herniation: A herniated disc occurs when the soft tissue between the spinal bones bulges or ruptures, causing intense pain and discomfort.

  • Spinal Cord Damage: If the spinal cord is damaged during a car accident, it can result in paralysis or loss of mobility.

  • Compression Fractures: Fractures in the vertebrae can lead to pain, limited mobility in the spine, and even nerve damage.

The Importance of Seeking Medical Attention

Medical treatment should be sought out immediately following an accident

It’s essential to seek medical attention after a car accident, even if you feel fine. Delaying medical treatment can have greater consequences for your health and your personal injury claim. Here’s why seeking medical attention is so important:

A. Early Diagnosis and Treatment

Many injuries, especially soft tissue and head injuries, may not present symptoms immediately. Seeking medical attention immediately after a car accident can ensure that any underlying injuries are identified as soon as possible, allowing for early diagnosis and treatment. This can improve your chances of a full recovery and may reduce the risk of long-term complications.

B. Documentation for Personal Injury Claims

Injuries sustained during a car accident may have long-term effects on your physical and financial well-being. Seeking medical attention provides a crucial source of documentation for your personal injury claim, which can help you get the compensation you deserve. Without medical records, it can be challenging to prove the extent of your injuries and the resulting medical expenses.

C. Minimizing the Lasting Impact of Injuries

Fast medical treatment can also help minimize the lasting impact of injuries sustained during a car accident. Early interventions, such as physical therapy or surgery, can improve your chances of full recovery and may reduce the risk of chronic pain or disability. Seeking medical attention also provides an opportunity to discuss any ongoing symptoms or concerns with a healthcare professional, who can provide guidance on how to manage them.


Understanding the different types of car crash injuries is important for your physical and financial recovery. Here’s a quick recap of the most common types of car crash injuries we covered:

  • Head and neck injuries, including whiplash, concussion, and traumatic brain injury

  • Upper body injuries, such as a broken collarbone or fractured ribs

  • Lower body injuries, including pelvic fractures, knee injuries, and ankle sprains

  • Spinal cord injuries, including herniated discs and compression fractures

We hope this guide has been helpful. If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident, don’t hesitate to contact The Wilson PC. Our experienced team of personal injury attorneys is here to help you get the compensation you deserve and fight for your rights against insurance companies.

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