Atlanta FedEx Truck Accident Lawyer

Get The Payment You Deserve When You’ve Been In An Accident

A Wrecked Vehicle | A Bodily Injury | Hospital Bills | Lost Wages | And Emotional Trauma

Innocent and Injured? We’ll Fight On Your Behalf


Every year, Atlanta sees hundreds of truck accidents, and our sad reality is that these accidents often result in severe injury or even death. Some of these are accidents caused by FedEx trucks – commercial vehicles that, because of their size and weight, have devastating effects in a accidents. It is in these moments of high stress that the help of an Atlanta FedEx truck accident lawyer is needed.

Compare Truck Accidents VS. Other Auto Accidents

Truck accidents, especially those involving FedEx, are different from regular motor vehicle accidents. Given the huge size of a commercial truck, accidents are often a higher risk of serious injuries or death. The management of these types of cases are far more complicated, and victims are often left struggling with insurance companies who want to minimize claim payouts.

Factors unique to a FedEx truck accident involve:

The driver's qualification and training

The maintenance history of the vehicle

The evidence of accidents happening close to delivery deadlines

The heavy load transported

Discussing the Role of a Lawyer in Truck Accident Cases

A FedEx truck accident lawyer can give clear direction to a case. They will investigate the accident in detail, manage the case efficiently against all parties involved, which include the truck driver, the company, insurance firms, and the law enforcement, and guide you through local trucking laws.

Causes of FedEx Truck Accidents in Atlanta

Many factors contribute to FedEx truck accidents. Apart from the general dangers associated with motor vehicles – such as speeding and reckless driving – FedEx trucks also have the threat of rushed deadlines, overworked drivers and poorly maintained trucks.

Common causes of FedEx truck accidents include:

Disregard of traffic rules due to stressed deadlines

Drivers not taking sufficient rest breaks

Hiring unqualified drivers

Bad maintenance leading to faulty truck parts

Consequences of FedEx Truck Accidents

Victims of FedEx truck accidents often deal with life altering consequences. Beyond the possible physical injuries, they may also suffer from emotional trauma, loss of income, and high medical bills. An experienced FedEx truck accident lawyer will make sure that you get compensation for all these consequences.

List of possible damage claims:

Medical Bills

Lost Wages

Emotional Distress

Other injury related expenses

Unpacking Liability
in a FedEx Truck Accident

Determining liability in a FedEx truck accident case can be challenging. It may be the driver, the shipping company, companies who service and maintain the truck, even the truck's manufacturer. The Wilson PC can help you determine where liability lies and pursue fair compensation.

Steps to Take Following an Atlanta FedEx Truck Accident

If you find yourself in a FedEx truck accident, it's important to follow certain steps to ensure you have a solid foundation for your legal case.

These steps include:

Reporting the accident to the police immediately

Exchanging contact and insurance information with the FedEx driver

Documenting the scene of the accident

Seeking medical treatment as soon as possible

In your journey for justice, hiring a FedEx truck accident lawyer from The Wilson PC places you in good hands. Our firm is backed by years of experience, top industry recognition, and relentless commitment to our clients.

Hiring an Atlanta FedEx Truck Accident Lawyer from The Wilson PC

In light of the intricacies of FedEx truck accident cases, your best step forward is to get in touch with an experienced FedEx truck accident lawyer. At The Wilson PC, we always offer a free consultation to help you understand your rights and options. Don't go through this ordeal alone, allow us to fight for your rights and get you the compensation you deserve.


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