Atlanta Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Bicycle Accident Lawyers in Atlanta

Riding a bicycle can give a rider a safe yet exciting feeling because you are using your entire body to cycle. Riding a bike has several benefits, especially considering you’re able to get some fresh air while also getting a workout - making cycling a healthy habit.

But, like many other means of transportation, bicycle accidents also occur from time to time. Many times, motor vehicles may hit bicyclists and cause an accident. Injuries in bicycle accidents often expose victims to elements that leave extensive injuries and damage. Due to severe injuries, the victims usually have to deal with insurance companies that may try to delay their personal injury claim.

The good news is that there are qualified personal injury attorneys available to help victims that have been in a bicycling accident. The Wilson PC Personal Injury Attorneys have years of experience in dealing with such accidents and is known as one of the top personal injury attorneys in the Atlanta area. Our talented team of attorneys have represented bicyclists against faulty parties as well as insurance companies.

Lawsuits for Bicycle Accidents

Basically, there are two major types of lawsuits pertaining to bicycle accidents.


Many times the cyclist and the other vehicle’s driver do not take responsibility for the accident. However, in some cases there may be negligence on both parties. For example, a cyclist may be negligent if they were riding down a one-way street or failed to come to a stop at a stop sign.

The liability in a bicycle accident or the person responsible relies solely on the evidence presented by the attorney and how they use the evidence in your favor. Most bicycle accident cases include determining who is at fault, who needs medical care and who violated traffic laws. 

A successful lawsuit usually includes the following:

  • A type of breach is responsible for causing the accident.

  • The victim suffered from injuries because of an accident.

  • The opposing party was in violation and breached the rights of other motorists.

    Product liability claim

If the accident occurs due to a defect then the victim can apply for a bicycle accident claim and file a case against the manufacturer. To file a case against a product manufacturer, the attorney has to show:

  • A defective bicycle or parts deemed as dangerous.

  • The performance of the bicycle hasn’t changed since it has been purchased.

  • The bicycle was operated as the manufacturer intended.

In order to win the claim, you will need to provide the necessary proof that the defects are in the manufacturing process and provide a testimony.

It's true that bicycle accident cases can be quite complex and they require the right expertise to maximize a settlement or compensation in a case. The Wilson PC Personal Injury Attorneys are here to help as a reliable bike accident lawyer in Atlanta. We are here to assist you in your case and help you get every penny that you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation and to get assistance right away.

What Can We Do For You?

When an accident or injury happens, people get confused about whether they should call an attorney or claim the case by themselves. This is because they don’t realize how challenging it can be to successfully win a personal injury claim in Atlanta.

Individuals often accept settlements well below what they deserve, leaving victims with less compensation to pay remaining medical bills and expenses.

The Wilson PC Personal Injury Attorneys – The best among others

When you contact our attorneys, we help you with your claim in various ways including:

  • Estimating who is accountable for the injuries

The driver of another car has hit your vehicle; which may have been a careless mistake, but we also can’t ignore that this is also a life-threatening mistake. We will identify all sources of compensation and create a proof of liability. 

  • Calculating the damages which are included in medical bills

An attorney plays a critical role when claiming a car accident injury in the Atlanta area and that’s why it is important to contact a trustworthy law firm. Most of the time, people don’t have an idea about the amount of financial compensation they deserve for personal injury. Thereafter, they end up spending money out of pocket to cover medical and other expenses.

Having an experienced attorney in Atlanta is important and helps guarantee that you receive the compensation that you deserve. 

We stand for you

Sometimes small personal injuries are settled outside the court without facing any problems. However, in cases when larger amounts are at stake, it is more than a simple settlement which generally includes complex and costly claims, liability or fault and/or claims where there is no chance of fair agreement. It is always best to contact an attorney to properly deal with the associated insurance companies. Our experienced team of lawyers will help you get the claim for a car accident injury in Atlanta.

No more paying for someone else’s mistakes

No matter whether your injuries are minor or life-threatening, the costs of medical treatments can be expensive resulting in heavy medical bills. A few liabilities you can demand payments for are :

  • Emergency trauma care

  • Emergency transportation

  • Hospitalization

  • Rehabilitative therapy

  • Surgeries

  • Lost income because of injuries

  • Pain and suffering 

  • Loss of employment and others

We completely understand your situation and prepare the estimate based on all of the losses you may face in the future. 

The Wilson PC Personal Injury Attorneys are located in Atlanta, GA and we are ready to serve you or your loved ones if you’ve experienced personal injury or a car accident in the Atlanta area.

Give us a call today to discuss your case and connect with one of our talented professionals.

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