What To Do After A Hit And Run Accident

Innocent and Injured? We’ll Fight On Your Behalf

Hit And Run Accident Lawyer

Hit and run accidents can lead to significant physical, emotional, and financial stress for victims. What should be a straightforward case of determining fault and receiving compensation can become a complex affair when the responsible party decides to leave the scene. Navigating through these incidents requires specific knowledge and action — precisely what The Wilson PC, a personal injury law firm, offers to those adversely affected by such events.

Hit and run incidents are not only unethical but also illegal. They occur when a driver, responsible for an accident, fails to stop and provide identification or offer help to the injured parties. In these situations, the fleeing driver can face severe legal consequences, which, depending on the jurisdiction, might include hefty fines, revocation of driving privileges, and even imprisonment.

Here's what you should immediately do after a hit and run:

Ensure Everyone's Safety

Move to a safe area away from traffic.

Gather Information

If possible, take note of the fleeing vehicle’s make, model, color, and license plate number.

Look for Witnesses

Bystanders can provide valuable testimonials and may have other details regarding the hit and run.

The first crucial step following a hit and run is notifying law enforcement. A police report will provide official documentation of the accident and is an essential component of any future insurance claims or legal action. Filing this report can sometimes lead to the identification of the at-fault driver, so sharing any details, even minor ones, can be significant.

Medical treatment should be sought immediately, even if injuries are not apparent. Trauma from car accidents can manifest hours or days later, and having a medical record linking your injuries to the hit and run is vital for any claims process. Keep all records of treatments, prescriptions, and any other related medical documentation.

In the unfortunate event that the at-fault driver remains unidentified, you may wonder about your options regarding compensation. It's in such situations that uninsured motorist coverage can be a saving grace. This aspect of your insurance policy can cover injuries to you and your passengers, and possibly even damage to your vehicle, depending on your insurance terms.

When it comes to pursuing legal action, the guidance and representation of a seasoned personal injury attorney are indispensable. A lawyer will understand the complexities of hit and run cases, from identifying possible sources of compensation to negotiating with stubborn insurance companies, ensuring the best possible outcome for your specific case.

Apart from the physical harm, hit and run accidents can leave deep emotional scars. Stress, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are not uncommon. Recognizing these signs and seeking appropriate support can help you cope with the psychological aftermath of such an incident.

Now, let's explore the types of compensation you might be eligible for:

Medical Expenses

Coverage for hospital stays, medical procedures, and ongoing care.

Lost Wages

Reimbursement for any income lost due to the accident.

Pain and Suffering

Compensation for the physical and emotional distress caused by the accident.

Punitive Damages

In cases where the at-fault driver is identified, additional damages may be awarded to punish the wrongdoer and deter future negligence.

Hit and Run Accidents FAQs

If you have a specific question, contact us at (470) 575-6130.

  • Ensure your safety, then try to document the scene and gather any potential eyewitness accounts. Report the incident to the police and seek medical attention promptly.

  • You may be eligible for compensation through your own insurance policy if you have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

  • An attorney can help investigate the incident, handle negotiations with insurance companies, and pursue appropriate legal action to seek compensation for your losses.

  • Compensation can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and sometimes punitive damages if the at-fault party is identified.

  • Yes, the time limits, or statutes of limitations, vary by state, so it is crucial to report the accident to your insurance promptly and to consult with an attorney to ensure you meet all deadlines.

Navigating the aftermath of a hit and run requires immediate action and comprehensive knowledge of legal rights and procedures. Remember, The Wilson PC is here to provide crucial support, ensuring that the traumatic experience of a hit and run doesn’t leave you stranded in the legal landscape.

Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways from Understanding Hit and Run Accidents

Compensation After a Hit and Run:

Medical Expenses: Includes all healthcare related to the incident.

Lost Wages: Covers income you miss out on while recovering.

Pain and Suffering: Addresses the non-tangible impact of your injuries.

Punitive Damages: These may apply if the at-fault driver is apprehended and their actions deemed especially reckless.

Important Reminders:

  • It's crucial to report the accident to your insurance in a timely manner.

  • Make sure to be aware of the statutes of limitations in your state.

  • Uninsured motorist coverage can be invaluable if the at-fault driver is not found.

  • Emotional aftermath such as stress and anxiety are normal and treatable.

Action Steps After a Hit and Run

  • Ensure everyone's safety and move to a safe location

  • Gather information about the fleeing vehicle

  • Look for witnesses who may provide valuable information

  • Notify law enforcement and file a police report

  • Seek immediate medical attention

  • Consult with a personal injury attorney

  • Recognize and address emotional trauma

Why It's Important

  • Prioritizing the well-being of all involved parties

  • Assists law enforcement in locating the at-fault driver

  • Witnesses can corroborate your version of events

  • Creates an official record and can be vital for insurance claims

  • Links medical treatment to the accident for injury claims

  • A lawyer can navigate the complexities of your case and help secure fair compensation

  • Emotional suffering can be profound; support and counseling may be necessary

The Wilson PC's Commitment

The Wilson PC offers expertise and empathy to guide hit and run victims through legal and recovery processes, aiming to alleviate the burden of these traumatic events and pursue the compensation victims rightfully deserve.


For extra help with hit and run accidents and injuries, reach out to “The Wilson PC” at Contact Us or call 470-327-8299. We’re always ready to help you out.

What To Do After A Hit And Run Accident?