Truck Crash Stats, Causes, and Consequences

Truck Crash


The trucking industry in the US plays an instrumental role in transporting various goods and essentials, such as equipment and tools, across different parts of the country. However, you may know it is also a dangerous industry marred by several accidents and injuries.

While commercial trucking accidents and crashes happen less often than passenger vehicle collisions, when they do, these truck accidents can cause debilitating and catastrophic injuries, such as broken bones. In the last few years, we have seen an alarming uptick in truck crashes.

Being involved in a truck accident can be harrowing and unnerving, with severe and long-lasting consequences. Medical expenses, physical pain, lost wages, and emotional trauma can have a significant and profound impact on your life.

Regardless of the cause, a crash or collision between a passenger car and a truck likely leads to devastation. This trend is worrying and requires attention. You should understand its causes and find solutions to protect yourself.

You have to understand truck crash statistics as they reveal important information and provide insights into the magnitude or severity of the problem, and help identify areas where improvements can be made. By understanding and analyzing these truck crash statistics, we can work toward reducing the number of crashes and their devastating and life-changing consequences.

If you are involved in a crash with a truck or semi-truck, we can empathize with you, and our Atlanta-based personal injury law firm specializes in handling auto personal injury claims, including those related to serious truck crashes. Our team has expertise and experience in helping truck crash victims in seeking legal recourse and obtain the compensation they need and deserve.

Understanding Truck Crash Statistics

Data from 2021: Fatal Crashes and Injury Crashes

If you consider data from 2021 and beyond, the extent and number of fatal crashes and injury crashes involving trucks have increased.

The following statistics shed light on the severity of the issue, highlighting the need for preventive measures.

Large-Truck Involvement in Fatal Crashes over the Past Decade

Over the last decade, we have seen a surge in the involvement of large trucks in fatal crashes that had devastating consequences. While there was a 34% decline in the number of fatal crashes and accidents involving large trucks between 2005 and 2009, there was an increase of 31% from 2010 to 2020. Understanding this trend is important as it helps identify patterns and factors contributing to the increase in such accidents. Here is another tidbit.

In 2021, about 5,700 large trucks, including 18-wheelers and semi-trucks, were involved in a fatal crash. This number represents an 18% increase from 2020. Also, more than 5,700 people died in large-truck crashes and collisions in 2021. The number of fatalities has increased by 17% from 2020.

Contributing Factors to the Increase in Truck Crashes

As you can imagine, many factors contribute to the increase in truck crashes. Some of them are:

  • Inadequate training

  • Driver fatigue

  • Distracted driving

  • Poor truck maintenance

  • Unsafe driving practices, such as tailgating

  • Other systemic issues

Analyzing and assessing these factors can provide valuable insights into the causes of truck crashes in Atlanta, Georgia.

What Causes a Truck Crash?

Truck crashes in Atlanta, Georgia, can occur due to various factors. The good news is that many of these causes or reasons are preventable. One of the primary reasons for these accidents is the sheer weight and size of large and commercial trucks.

Here is an important fact. An average truck (fully-loaded) can weigh up to a whopping 80,000 pounds. On the other hand, an average car weighs just 4,000 pounds. This significant and remarkable difference in weight means that when a large truck collides with a smaller vehicle or car, the impact force – also known as momentum - is much greater, causing more severe injuries.

Some common factors and reasons for truck accidents include:

Driver Fatigue

Being on the road for a long time can be hectic, and long driving hours without sufficient rest often lead to drowsiness and impaired judgment. They also impair a driver's reflexes. This increases the risk of accidents.

Distracted Driving

Like car drivers, truck drivers are also often distracted by cell phones and passengers. Distractions, such as smartphone use, eating, drinking, or using in-cab technologies, can divert a driver's attention from the road. We have all been there.

Drivers of large trucks and semis also face unique challenges and issues, such as

  • Longer stopping distances

  • Blind spots

These issues make it more challenging to avoid accidents and increase the chances of a crash.

Equipment Failure

Trucks are complex and large vehicles with many mechanical parts and components. Any malfunction or issues in these components, such as brakes, can lead to severe truck accidents and casualties.

Some of the most common issues and malfunctions that can cause truck accidents include the following:

  • Brake failure

  • Engine problems

  • Tire blowouts

Improperly Loaded Cargo

When trucks are not loaded properly and safely, they can become imbalanced. Poorly secured or overweight cargo can be perilous and affect the truck's handling and stability. This can lead to accidents.

Poor Road Conditions

The following environmental issues can pose hazards for truck drivers and others, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

  • Inadequate road maintenance

  • Construction zones

  • Potholes

Weather Factors

Adverse and inclement weather conditions in Atlanta can reduce visibility and create slippery roads. This makes it trickier and more challenging for truckers to operate safely. These factors include:

  • Heavy rain

  • Snow

  • Fog

Preventable Factors

It is possible to lower the number of truck crash cases in Atlanta through proactive measures and exercising caution. Truck drivers and their employers can do several things to help reduce the number of truck crashes. Some of these measures include:

  • Enforcing regulations and rules on driver rest periods

  • Implementing stringent policies and procedures against distracted driving

  • Performing regular vehicle maintenance and inspections

  • Improving road infrastructure

Ways to Improve the Safety of Truck Drivers and the Roads

Truck drivers play an integral role in our economy, but they are also at a considerably higher risk of being involved or sustaining injuries in a crash than other motorists.

So, it is important to enhance the safety of truckers and the roads. Here are some simple and effective ways to improve the safety of truck drivers and the roads:

  • Enforce hours of service regulations in order to prevent driver fatigue

  • Promote driver education and training and development programs

  • Requiring regular truck maintenance to prevent mechanical failures and issues

  • Implement technological advancements, such as lane departure warning systems, to help drivers

  • Improve road conditions, such as fixing potholes and repairing guardrails

  • Create safer work zones by  using flaggers and barriers to protect motorists and workers

  • Invest in road maintenance and safety improvements

Consequences of Truck Crashes

Physical Injuries Sustained in Truck Crashes

Truck crashes and collisions often result in severe and debilitating physical injuries for those involved, including drivers of other cars, passengers, and even pedestrians.

The following are some of the most common injuries sustained by other officers, truck drivers and others in large truck crashes:

  • Back Injuries

  • Internal organ damage

  • Burns

  • Broken bones

  • Concussions

  • Soft tissue injuries

  • Traumatic brain injuries

  • Fractures

  • Whiplash

Financial Costs of Truck Crashes

Eighteen-wheeler shipping trucks and semis are responsible for the deadliest automobile accidents in Atlanta because they are larger and take considerably more time to slow down than smaller passenger vehicles. The financial costs and expenses associated with truck crashes in Georgia are substantial.

HD Fleet revealed that the average cost of a trucking accident that includes an injured individual is $148,279. But things can exacerbate. For instance, if a death occurs, the cost can surge to more than $7 million.

The main costs associated with truck crashes and collisions in Atlanta can include the following:

  • The cost of medical care, such as surgery, for those injured in a truck crash can be significant.

  • The cost of property damage in a truck collision can also be significant. These costs can include the cost of replacing or repairing vehicles, homes, and businesses.

  • The cost of bruised, damaged, impaired or lost cargo.

  • If you are injured in a truck crash, you may be unable to work. This can lead to lost wages.

  • Even minor accidents are likely to increase your insurance premium. 

  • You may also experience pain and suffering, including emotional trauma, which can have a significant impact on your quality of life.

So, you owe it to yourself to secure your financial future, regardless of how low or high your bill could be.

Emotional Trauma of Truck Crashes

Following an auto accident in Atlanta, many people can experience emotional distress in addition to physical and financial repercussions. You may know that being involved in a truck accident or crash is often interpreted as or considered a near-death experience.

What does that mean? This means that your brain will experience a huge amount of stress. This is because your brain believes – usually for a brief moment - that you may not be able to survive this experience. Your brain may go into a fight or flight mode.

During the healing and recovery stage, it’s also normal that you may start to notice signs of increased stress, including:

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Depression  and anxiety,

  • Anguish

  • Sleep issues

  • Fearfulness

  • Reoccurring nightmares or flashbacks about the crash

Importance of Seeking Legal Help for Truck Crash Victims

Being involved in a truck crash can be emotionally and physically overwhelming and may leave you unhinged. You have to seek legal help in order to protect your legal rights and pursue fair compensation. You should also seek medical attention and consult an experienced and savvy truck accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA, to understand your legal rights and options around your personal injury claim.

Our personal injury law firm in Atlanta has the experience, know-how, and expertise to help victims navigate the complicated legal process. Our experienced and friendly attorney understands trucking regulations and laws, and industry practices, which can be important in securing a favorable result for your case.

Our legal professionals can also deal with insurance companies and negotiate a fair and reasonable settlement on your behalf.

The Role of a Personal Injury Law Firm in Truck Crash Cases

Representation of Truck Crash Victims in Atlanta, Georgia

Our personal injury law firm and other professionals, such as medical experts, specialize in representing truck crash victims in Atlanta, Georgia. Understanding and recognizing the unique challenges, nuances, and complexities involved in these cases, we are dedicated to fighting for the rights of our clients.

Experience in Handling Auto Personal Injury Claims

With several years of experience and expertise in handling auto personal injury claims and representing clients from all walks of life, our attorneys and legal staff have the knowledge and expertise to navigate the complex legal process effectively.

Our team stays updated on the latest laws and regulations surrounding truck accidents with the aim of providing the best representation for clients.

Assistance with Insurance Claims and Negotiations

We proudly assist our clients with insurance claims and negotiations. We know and understand that dealing with insurance companies can be challenging and overwhelming.

But don’t worry, as we have the skills and prowess to advocate on our client’s behalf and ensure they receive fair compensation for their injuries and damages.

Pursuing Compensation for Victims

Our priority is to pursue compensation for truck crash victims. Our team works diligently and passionately to gather evidence and assess the damages.

We also calculate the appropriate compensation that can cover your:

  • Medical expenses

  • Lost wages

  • Pain and suffering

  • Any other related losses

Explanation of the Legal Process and Timeline

Understanding the legal process, its nuances, subtleties, and timeline is crucial for our clients. We take a holistic approach and the time to explain each step of the process to make things simple for you.

From filing a claim to potential settlement negotiations or litigation, we will keep you informed and empowered throughout the case.

Case Studies of Successful Auto Personal Injury Claims

Brief Overview of Past Successful Truck Crash Cases

We have an impressive track record in handling truck crash cases in Atlanta. Our past clients have obtained favorable outcomes and fair settlements, receiving the compensation they needed and deserved for their injuries and losses.

Legal Strategies Used to Obtain Maximum Compensation for Clients

There are thousands of truck accidents each year in the US, which amplifies the risk of road mishaps leading to serious personal injuries. Besides vehicular malfunctions, factors like slippery ice can also result in severe personal injury. To make sure that you receive the highest possible damages, our firm uses the best legal strategies.

For instance, we employ strategic legal approaches customized to your specific circumstances and needs. Our team thoroughly investigates the accident, gathers evidence, and consults with expert witnesses. After that, we build a strong and compelling case to present in negotiations or court.

Importance of Having a Knowledgeable Team of Attorneys for Truck Crash Victims

Having a knowledgeable and experienced team of attorneys is crucial in truck crash cases. Our experienced and committed attorneys can guide you through the numerous complex steps, stages, and considerations to ensure a hassle-free process and successful outcome.

Our truck accident attorneys understand the complex laws, rules, and regulations that are specific to the trucking industry, including state and federal regulations, industry standards, and best practices.

Our expertise and legal acumen allow us to navigate complex legal issues and anticipate defense strategies. We will effectively advocate for your rights, maximizing your chances of obtaining fair and reasonable compensation.

Tips for Truck Crash Victims

What to do Immediately Following a Truck Crash

After getting injured in a truck crash, you must prioritize safety. You should ensure you are in a safe and secure location and call emergency services or 911 for immediate assistance.

Gathering Evidence and Documenting the Crash

After securing yourself, gather evidence at the accident site. This can include the following:

  • Photographs of the vehicles involved

  • Road conditions, such as a slippery driving surface

  • Any visible injuries

Such visual evidence is valuable and can play a pivotal role in determining the extent of damages incurred and liability. You may also collect contact information from witnesses, such as other motorists or police, who can provide statements regarding the truck accident.

Things to Avoid Saying or Doing Following a Crash

Here are some things you should not say or do following an incident or a crash:

  • Even if you believe that you were at fault, you should not admit it at the crash scene.

  • Avoid making statements to anyone, including insurance adjusters. 

  • Refrain from signing any documents or reports at the crash scene, even if they are "accident reports."

Seeking Medical Attention after the Crash

Seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if your injuries seem benign or minor. Did you know that some injuries may have delayed symptoms? This is why documenting your injuries is crucial for your health and legal case.

Considering Legal Assistance Early in the Process

You should contact a truck accident lawyer that is experienced in truck crash cases early in the process to protect your rights and guide you in the right direction. Our attorneys can provide guidance, protect your rights, and start building a strong and compelling case on your behalf.


Understanding truck crash statistics and figures and their consequences – medical and financial - is vital for promoting road safety and seeking justice for victims. Our personal injury law firm in Atlanta is dedicated to fighting for the rights of truck crash victims and holding negligent parties accountable for their actions.

If you’ve been involved in a truck crash in Atlanta, Georgia, or sustained serious injuries, our firm has the expertise, knowledge, and experience in handling auto personal injury claims to guide you through the legal process. We encourage truck crash victims - including passengers and other motorists - to take action and reach out to us for a consultation.

Together, we can pursue the compensation you deserve and work toward preventing future truck crashes on our roads.

Contact Us Today


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